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Responsible Investing

Our principle of good investing: Take care of people, communities, and the environment around us. They help build resilient businesses more likely to outperform in the long run.

Sustainability Creates Potential for Long-term Value.

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As social and environmental issues increasingly affect consumer behavior and business conditions, there’s growing evidence that ESG programs can actually improve returns and limit risk.
Bain & Company Global Private Equity Report 2020
Integrating ESG into investment strategy from pre-investment due diligence through to monitoring and exit

Table stakes.

Principles of responsible investing were always important for consistently successful investing. The evidence is even more compelling today.

Millennials are twice as likely as the overall population to choose sustainability as a primary criterion in their decision making

Holistic approach.

Integrating ESG into Terramont’s investing activities is more than simply “doing good”. The Terramont philosophy is to create and drive real, measurable sustainability solutions in North American infrastructure

We are long-term stewards of our investors’ capital and generate attractive risk-adjusted returns while reducing negative environmental and social impacts on local communities

Long-term business view.

Infrastructure assets are long life and provide essential services. It offers a compelling opportunity to incorporate principles of responsible investing to improve the quality of earnings without sacrificing returns

We view ESG as an opportunity to partner with companies where doing the right things safeguards both assets and returns in long-term, and adds value to customers

Competitive advantage.

Mega trends in every infrastructure subsector, compounded by shifting end customer demands, are driving novel requirements for infrastructure services

Proactively integrating principles of responsible investing into strategy development and risk management can create resilient, competitively positioned businesses that can withstand market cycles and capture market opportunities