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Differentiated approach to value creation


Terramont is a North American-focused infrastructure investment manager investing in middle market businesses in renewables, power & energy, transportation, environment, digital and social infrastructure

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Investment Strategy.

Strategy leverages deep investment experience in adding value to middle market infrastructure assets


Investments in asset-based businesses with regulated or natural monopolies and business models with sticky competitive advantages, delivering essential services supported by contracted cash flows

Investment Size

$50MM - $250MM1 in equity investment primarily in control positions. Select investments with significant minority interest with strong alignment of interest and adequate governance

Value-add Scope

Breaking traditional infrastructure mold, adding value through enhancements to sustainability, operations, innovation, and technology


Build middle market infrastructure companies or platforms as an active value-added partner to management, while aiming to make a positive impact on the communities we invest in

Diversified Portfolio

Diversified portfolio construction investing across renewables, power & energy, transportation, environment, digital and social infrastructure

Targeted Infrastructure Sectors

We thematically pursue investment opportunities in the sectors below and accumulate a deep knowledge and expertise to make the best investments


Declining cost of renewables expected to support production of green hydrogen, essential for economy-wide decarbonization


Conventional energy transport and storage infrastructure will gradually be repurposed for carbon-free fuels


Sector electrification driven by transportation’s role as the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.


Declining cost of renewables expected to support production of green hydrogen, essential for economy-wide decarbonization


Declining cost of renewables expected to support production of green hydrogen, essential for economy-wide decarbonization


Assets supporting the growth in digital connectivity across industrial, commercial, and consumer driven by data transmission capabilities of devices such as vehicles, equipment, and buildings

Four Lenses of the Terramont Value-Add

Four-pronged approach to identify end-to-end value creation from operator to end customer

Leverage “proven” digital systems to increase asset and human productivity, and deliver excellence in customer service
Introduce and improve sustainability goals that also increase revenue and EBITDA; both an input and output in an investment
Constantly re-evaluate business models. Traditional industries and services do not need to be delivered in old-fashioned ways
Instill higher operating efficiencies, optimized asset performance, in- house value-added activities, and enhanced asset longevity